Sunday, December 30, 2007
Moon Family Christmas Party
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Christmas!!!
On Sunday, Jake and I were coming home and we saw Santa Claus out on the road waving to people as they were going by to look at the Christmas lights near our house. He must have been out giving presents early. That night we had some neighbor kids over and we strung popcorn for our tree. It was pretty fun, but hard because the popcorn kept breaking. The end product looks pretty good.
On Christmas Eve, my parents came up from Vegas to visit us for Christmas. Santa Claus was out again greeting everyone, getting ready to make his rounds. We had pozole for dinner, a Mexican soup they have for any kind of celebration. Afterwards, we read the Christmas story from the Bible and the Book of Mormon, listened to Christmas music, and ate chocolates. We didn't get up bright and early on Christmas day like we used to as children. We slept in a bit, then made breakfast, and then opened presents. Christmas is a lot different when there aren't any kids around. They seem to be a lot more excited about the holiday. We still enjoyed being together as a family.It had been snowing all week long, with a fresh load dumped on us on Christmas Eve, so we bundled up and went to Jake's parent's house to go sledding. It was pretty fun. We had a great time together. There were some crazy hills and wacky falls in the powder, but thankfully no one got hurt.When we had our fill of sledding, we came home, played a tough game of Trivial Pursuit 20th Anniversary Edition and then went back to Jake's parents and had Christmas dinner. We enjoyed spending time with our families for Christmas.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Christmas and Chocolates
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Christmas Tree Hunting
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
BYU-Utah Rival Game
Thanksgiving with the Moons
We had Thanksgiving with my family on Friday. All of my nieces and nephews have grown up so much!! It was fun to get together and see everyone again. It had been awhile since I'd seen some of my family members, so it was fun to catch up with everyone. The best thing about having two Thanksgivings - I got to eat pumpkin pie two days in a row!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Out of Town
GOOD NEWS!! We don't have to move next summer!!! We were going to go to Modesto, CA next summer to sell alarms, but we're not anymore. YEA!!! Jake is just going to sell in Poky, I.F., Blackfoot, and the surrounding areas because he's the only alarm company around and the market here is surprising good. He also has a cell phone store and an electronics store who are going to be dealers for him. I hate moving. Looks like we might stay in one place longer that six months. It will be the first time in our marriage. I wonder how it will be?
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Camping Adventure
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Flat Tire
Monday, November 5, 2007
5 things I was doing 10 years ago...
1. Sophmore in high school at Layton High
2. Running cross country
3. Played a fairy in "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
4. Getting killer grades
5. Just chillin'
5 Snacks I enjoy...
1. Chips and homemade salsa
2. Chocolate
3. Fruit
4. Tootsie Rolls
5. Hot Tamales
5 songs I know all the lyrics to...
1. Cougar fight song
2. Most church songs
3. Anything from Saturday's Warrior (from my mission days)
4. Most country songs from the '90's
5. I can't think of any more.
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
1. Pay off debt
2. Buy a new car and a baby grand piano
3. Travel around Europe
4. Build a house and buy land
5. Save
5 Bad Habits...
1. Speeding
2. Love to shop
3. Bothering Jake (I think it's a good habit, Jake says it's not)
4. Squeezing the toothpaste from the top of the tube
5. Not putting the lid back on the toothpaste
5 things I'd never wear again...
1. Loopy bangs
2. Units (I thought they were cool)
3. Florescent shorts with a matching florescent shirt
4. M.C. Hammer pants
5. Two pairs of socks, the opposite one showing on each foot, folded down
5 Favorite toys...
1. Jake
2. 4 wheelers and camping tent
3. Piano
4. Camara
5. Computer
5 things on my 'to do list'...
1. Pick up after Jake
2. Pick up after myself
3. Write log notes for work
4. Sleep
5. Entertain Jake
5 people I tag...
1. Tami Chandler
2. Julie Lopez
3. Katie Hochhalter
4. Jackie Carter
5. Marlaina Harris
Sunday, November 4, 2007
BYU Football and such
On Halloween I had a work meeting in the morning and we were supposed to dress up. I dressed up as a dragon fly. I bought a fly from fly fishing and tied it on a string and had the string dragging behind me for a draggin' fly (dragon fly!). I thought it was pretty good. I got nominated for most creative costume, but I didn't win. A girl won who dressed up as Miss Snack. I was obviously better than that. We didn't have a whole lot of trick-or-treaters come to our house, but we were ready with some really good candy for those who did come.
On Friday Jake and I went to Red Lobster for their all you can eat shrimp. Jake ate about 175 shrimp and took about another 25 home with him. They brought out 18 different plates of shrimp for him! I didn't go crazy like that with the shrimp because I don't like it, but I had spicy catfish that was really good.