So, I guess food prices are supposed to be going up, and since we're supposed to plant a garden anyway, Jake and I decided to plant a garden. We have a big garden in our back yard, so we've decided to utilize it. Yesterday, Jake and I went seed shopping, and found out Wal-mart has the cheapest seeds. Some of the seeds we found were only 10 cents a pack. What a deal! We also got a tray to plant them in because we are STILL getting snow in April

(It just snowed yesterday in good ol' Idaho.) Today we planted them! We planted corn, carrots, tomatoes, jalepenos, bell peppers, lettuce, radishes, spinach, green onions, and cucumbers. Now we just need to hope that they grow! It will be an adventure to take care of our little (or big - we have 72 plants) garden. I remember when I was little helping my dad water the garden and getting payed 1 cent for every weed I pulled. To bad we don't have kids yet to pay to pull weeds! The novelty of having a garden might wear off once we have to weed it and water it often, but for now we're excited to see our plants grow and reap the benefits of having fresh veggies at the end of the summer! We'll keep updated pictures on how our plants are growing. (I know everyone will be checking often to see how our plants are doing!)

Jake adding water to the dirt, so we can plant

Milin planting some jalepenos

The seeds after they are all planted!