Friday, October 24, 2008
It's Greek To Me!
So we left the Salt Lake Airport at 12:01 Wednesday morning. We made it to the JFK airport where we had a 10 hour layover. We were going to go into the city, but just to get out of the airport and get on the Subway it would cost us $28 for both of us, so we just decided to stay in the airport where we slept a lot of the time. Our plane was about 1 1/2 hours late taking off. It was a long plane ride to Athens, but we made it, luggage and all. When we arrived in Athens Thursday morning, we didn't have the best experience. We took the train part way to our hotel and then got a taxi to go the rest of the way to our hotel. When we got to our hotel, which is a dump (I'll post pictures later), we were getting ready to go out and see the city, when we noticed that my wallet wasn't in my bag that I was using as my purse. Someone on the train stole my wallet. It had all my credit cards in it, about $400 in cash and my drivers license and SS card. We weren't sure how to call anywhere, but we found a phone card and had Jake's parents cancel all my cards. They were able to cancel all of them except my American Express card, which we were finally able to find a collect number to call them to cancel. At first they wanted to cancel mine and Jake's card, but we were able to finally convince them to cancel just my card so we would at least still have Jake's card. If we didn't have Jake's card we would have no money and possibly stuck in Greece for a long time. Yesterday was not fun at all. Whoever stole my wallet had already charged about $9000 worth of stuff on my cards. I'm so glad we were able to notice that they were stolen so we weren't liable for those charges! It is so hard being in a country where we don't speak a lick of the language (knowing Greek letters doesn't help at all!) More of our touring later!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tomorrow we are heading to Europe! We have a flight to JFK, a 10 hour layover, and then a long flight to Athens. We're excited but nervous! We'll try to keep everyone posted on here on the adventures of being in Europe. Right now, we're in Provo trying to fix our car. Jake's trying to put on the timing belt, but ran into problems. Hopefully he'll be able to figure it our so we can fix it!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
So my sister Marlaina tagged me to blog about my quirks. So here they are...
1. I have to color coordinate my clothes that hang in my closet. Also, the colors blend together, like the pinks are by the reds that blend into the oranges, etc. Jake thinks it's funny that I do this and will move my shirts around, but I always go back and fix them. I don't care if the clothes in Jake's closet are organized like this, but mine have to be.
2. I shrug my shoulders and move my neck forward a lot because my clothes bother me. If my clothes feel funny on me and aren't in exactly the right place I have to twitch my body to make them comfortable on me.
3. When I put butter on bread, or make a sandwich, or put cream cheese on a bagel, whatever I am putting on it has to be evenly spread over the whole thing. Every part of the bread or bagel has to be covered. Also when I eat pizza if there is a lot of sauce in one spot, I have to rip off part of the crust and dip it in the extra sauce, so there is enough sauce to go around.
4. I am sometimes still afraid of the dark, especially if I am the only one home. If Jake isn't home, when I go to bed I will turn off the lights and jump into bed and put the covers over me. When I was younger I was afraid of the dark a lot more and I would sleep with my head under the covers. It slowly evolved that I slept with the covers over me with just my head poking out. This lasted clear up until I went to college. That all comes from when I was younger I was in bed and I thought I felt someone touch my shoulder when I was in bed once and I didn't know who it was, so ever since then I was scared to sleep with my head out of the covers. 26 and still afraid of the dark at times.
5. I hate being late for things. If I have an appointment really early in the morning for some reason, I won't sleep very well the night before because I keep waking up every couple of hours, afraid that I didn't hear my alarm or that my alarm never went off. I always get a little nervous if it's getting close to the time I'm supposed to be somewhere, and I still haven't left.
6. When I go to bed, I have to be in the perfect position, otherwise I move around a lot. It's gotten hard for me since I've been pregnant, because I have this certain position on my stomach that I almost always have to be in to get to sleep, and now I'm too big to sleep on my stomach. Jake will tell me often to stay still because I move so much because something bothers me about the position I'm in.
So now that you know some of my quirks, here are the six people I tag...
1. Milisa Wolfley
2. Julie Morris
3. Teresa Moon
4. Tami Chandler
5. Becky Rigby
6. Ivy Matheson
Here are the rules...
-Link the person who tagged you
-List 6 of your quirks
-Tag 6 other bloggers by linking them
-List the rules on your blog
1. I have to color coordinate my clothes that hang in my closet. Also, the colors blend together, like the pinks are by the reds that blend into the oranges, etc. Jake thinks it's funny that I do this and will move my shirts around, but I always go back and fix them. I don't care if the clothes in Jake's closet are organized like this, but mine have to be.
2. I shrug my shoulders and move my neck forward a lot because my clothes bother me. If my clothes feel funny on me and aren't in exactly the right place I have to twitch my body to make them comfortable on me.
3. When I put butter on bread, or make a sandwich, or put cream cheese on a bagel, whatever I am putting on it has to be evenly spread over the whole thing. Every part of the bread or bagel has to be covered. Also when I eat pizza if there is a lot of sauce in one spot, I have to rip off part of the crust and dip it in the extra sauce, so there is enough sauce to go around.
4. I am sometimes still afraid of the dark, especially if I am the only one home. If Jake isn't home, when I go to bed I will turn off the lights and jump into bed and put the covers over me. When I was younger I was afraid of the dark a lot more and I would sleep with my head under the covers. It slowly evolved that I slept with the covers over me with just my head poking out. This lasted clear up until I went to college. That all comes from when I was younger I was in bed and I thought I felt someone touch my shoulder when I was in bed once and I didn't know who it was, so ever since then I was scared to sleep with my head out of the covers. 26 and still afraid of the dark at times.
5. I hate being late for things. If I have an appointment really early in the morning for some reason, I won't sleep very well the night before because I keep waking up every couple of hours, afraid that I didn't hear my alarm or that my alarm never went off. I always get a little nervous if it's getting close to the time I'm supposed to be somewhere, and I still haven't left.
6. When I go to bed, I have to be in the perfect position, otherwise I move around a lot. It's gotten hard for me since I've been pregnant, because I have this certain position on my stomach that I almost always have to be in to get to sleep, and now I'm too big to sleep on my stomach. Jake will tell me often to stay still because I move so much because something bothers me about the position I'm in.
So now that you know some of my quirks, here are the six people I tag...
1. Milisa Wolfley
2. Julie Morris
3. Teresa Moon
4. Tami Chandler
5. Becky Rigby
6. Ivy Matheson
Here are the rules...
-Link the person who tagged you
-List 6 of your quirks
-Tag 6 other bloggers by linking them
-List the rules on your blog
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Carving Pumpkins
Yesterday our friends, Dustin and Julie, invited us over to their house to carve pumpkins. We weren't going to carve pumpkins this year because we are going to be in Europe over Halloween, but when we got the chance to carve pumpkins, we took it. Growing up I never remember doing such elaborate designs in the pumpkins, kitchen knives just don't allow for that kind of detail. This year we had a pumpkin carving kit and patterns, so we were able to go all out on our designs. We had a lot of fun!
Our pumpkin
Monday, October 13, 2008
25 Weeks and a Couple of Days
So I didn't think that I've gotten that much bigger these last few weeks, but after taking the picture, I realized I've gotten pretty big. I don't feel big at all. Our baby is kicking quite a bit, but whenever I put Jake's hand on my belly to feel it, the baby stops kicking or just kicks really light so Jake can't feel it. Hopefully soon he'll feel it.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Late Night Snow Fun
This week Jake has lock up duty at our church, so tonight around 10:45 we remembered he had to lock up, so we both bundled up and walked over to the church to lock the doors. Well, as it turned out the key wouldn't open up any of the doors, so we couldn't go in and see if anyone was hiding in the church (they have been having problems with that.) We don't know if we got there too late to lock the doors or what, but the red light went on when we put the key in the key hole. On the way home, we walked by the house of a family Jake home teaches, and we decided to build a snowman in their yard as a nice surprise for them in the morning.
Unfortunately, it was a little too cold and the snow wouldn't pack very well, so we ended up leaving them snow angels instead!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
An American Carol
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