Saturday, May 30, 2009

Alden's Wedding

On Wednesday my brother Alden got married to Candice. It was great to see my brother get married. He was the last one of us to get married. It was pretty neat that all of my brothers and sisters were in the temple when he got married. We are really glad to have Candice in the family. Alden made a good pick. Tean with his cousin Brody and his Aunt Milisa. My two sisters and me with Tean, Brody, and baby boy due in September.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tean Laughing

Last night we got Tean laughing so hard. It was so cute to see him like this. I love it when he laughs and smiles, which lucky for us is a lot!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Great Children's Book

So I've been going to the library and getting books to read to Tean. I've been getting a lot of Dr. Seuss books. There are a lot of his books that I have never read. I'm enjoying reading them to Tean, and he'll even listen and smile and laugh when I read. I read this one to him tonight and I thought it was hilarious. Go out and read it!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Computers and Tean

We finally have a computer! In about 1 weeks time, all three of our computers broke. One of our laptops won't turn on for some reason. Our other one's wireless something broke, so we had to send it to HP to get fixed. Luckily it was under warranty so that was free. Our other computer will turn off randomly. Sometimes it will give us 15 minutes on it and other times only 1 minute. At least it would warn us 1 minute in advance before it turned off. Our laptop is now back from HP and is in great working condition so we can now be on the computer!!!
Tean is growing more every day. He has been jabbering so much more these last few days. For the past three nights he has slept at least 6 hours in a row. Yea!!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009


Isn't he the cutest little boy ever?

Jake's Trip To Mexico

Jake had a great time in Mexico with the Castellano family. He got to go to the temple with them and see them get sealed together as a family for forever. He said that it was an amazing experience. He baptized the Castellano family while he was on his mission.