Thursday, September 24, 2009

Speaking Vinyl

New items have been added so
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Our Little Mozart

Tean is growing! He loves to play on the piano. Really, he just loves to pound on anything and make noise. He doesn't want to crawl yet. I put him on his stomach and he just gets mad and rolls over. I try to force him in the crawling position, and it just doesn't work. He is starting to hold onto the side of the couch and walk along the couch. He loves to walk while holding our hands. He has a little toy that he holds onto and pushes around the room. He has the biggest smile for anyone. He's growing so fast!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Eastern Idaho State Fair

Last Saturday we went to the Eastern Idaho State Fair. Eating Tiger Ears. Grandma and Grandpa were giving Tean some of the sugar! Petting a bunny It was fun to see Tean with the animals. He seemed to like them a lot. We had a great time!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Speaking Vinyl Is Open!!!

This Saturday is the grand opening of Speaking Vinyl! If you are in Pocatello, come on over to the open house from 1pm-4pm (I know, it's right in the middle of the BYU game. I wasn't thinking when I set the time.) Place: 2271 Tonja Ln. There will be a drawing for free vinyl, we will do a halloween craft, and you can see what Speaking Vinyl has to offer! If you're not living in Pocatello, you can still order! Check out Speaking Vinyl's website at: It will be lots of fun!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

West Yellowstone

This past weekend we went up to West Yellowstone with some friends. One of our friend's parents has a cabin up there by a lake so we went out on a boat and had some fun. Tean even went on a boat for the first time and he loved it! I went wake boarding for the first time ever. After 3 tries, I got up! It was a lot of fun. I didn't stay up very long, but I did get up. Jake had been wake boarding before, but he had never gotten up. After about 8 tries, Alex finally realized what Jake was doing wrong, so he told him and the very next time, Jake got up. Tean had a fun time up there, especially with the dog. He thought the dog was so funny.