Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Morning
I loved Christmas this year! It is so much more fun when you have kids, and to see how excited they are about all the things that they got. Jake and I had a lot of fun playing "Santa" this year. Christmas Eve, after Tean was in bed, we got out what Santa was giving to him and put it all together. Jake decided to get some play time in before Tean.
Jake and I both slept horrible. It was like we were kids again, too excited for Santa to come to sleep. So, we got up early and made cinnamon rolls, because I remember having them most Christmas mornings growing up. At 9:15 Tean woke up, so we got him up and brought him in to see what Santa brought. I think he was a little shocked about all the toys.
He was so excited about all the things that he got. 

He really loved the train and the truck, but his favorite toy of all?
Marta even enjoyed everything Santa brought her, but she woke up feeling sick, so that wasn't a whole lot of fun.
After we opened up all the presents, we Skyped with my parents and they got to see everything that Tean got.
After that, we went up to Jake's parent's house, got more presents (thanks!), and just hung out there for the rest of the day. Tean was in heaven with all the cars and the trains! We hope that everyone else had a wonderful Christmas!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Tean Dancing
I put some music on one day to listen to, and Tean was dancing in the living room while I was in the kitchen, so I just had to video it.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Decorating the Tree
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Cutting Down A Christmas Tree
After Thanksgiving, we went out in the forest and cut down our Christmas tree. When we got to where we were going to cut down our tree, we saw 3 deer.
They stayed there for a long time and then when I finally decided to take a picture, they ran off, so if you look close, you can see the deer.
Marta and Lhin came with us to find the perfect tree. 
We finally found the perfect tree, Jake cut it down and we took it home to decorate.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
This year for Thanksgiving, we went down to Utah and spent it with my family. We had lots of fun playing games, visiting and eating great food. 
While we were getting the food ready, Tean found this shelf, perfect for him to sit in and play with his cars.
Jake and Rett getting the food ready to eat. 

All the food and everyone enjoying the food!
Marta and Lhin's first Thanksgiving in the U.S.
Tean loved the baby. When my sister was holding her, Tean kept following her around so he could see the baby.
After Thanksgiving with my family, we went down to Provo to see Jake's family.
On the way down Tean fell asleep and when he woke up he had this awesome hairdo.
Rocking Horse
Saturday, November 13, 2010
I'm finally posting pictures of Halloween.
On the 30th I took Tean over to trick-or-treating they had in the parking lot of Westwood Mall.
Tean didn't want to keep his hat on at all. I went with a friend and her little girl. Tean saw the candy and insisted on having one so I had to keep a pack of Skittles in my pocket and give one every once in a while so he would keep going.
After that we went to trunk-or-treat with Jake's parent's ward. Once again, Tean insisted on having a piece of candy every once in a while. After that we took him to a few houses around us.
Jake dressed up as a software pirate and I was the world wide web.
Jake's cousin also came over to visit and play games with us. We had a great Halloween!
After that we went to trunk-or-treat with Jake's parent's ward. Once again, Tean insisted on having a piece of candy every once in a while. After that we took him to a few houses around us.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Carving Pumpkins
On Monday, some friends of ours in our ward invited us over to carve pumpkins.
Here are our friends carving their pumpkins. And yes, unfortunately they are Ute fans, but we don't hold that against them :)
Jake working hard taking out all the insides. 
Tean was trying to get in the middle of it all,
and he loved the cookies that they had.
The final product. Marta did the smiley face and Jake and I did the Frankenstein. (sorry about the picture quality. I forgot my camera and had to take pictures from my phone.)

Sunday, October 24, 2010
BYU - SDSU game
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Watch What You Say
During conference, Tean was throwing a ball and bouncing it off a chair and the ball went across the room. As he was going to get it, he fell and said "dang it!" It was so funny! He kept doing it and we got it on video. Now we really need to watch what we say around Tean, because he is repeating everything we say!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Tean Speaking Spanish
Tean loves to count to three in Spanish and then fall down, or "jump" down off of something.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Eastern Idaho State Fair
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