First things first, we are finally pregnant!!! Wahoo! We are really excited to finally be having another baby. I had an ultrasound at 12 weeks, and we found out that we are having a boy. When we had another ultrasound at 18.5 weeks, the baby was still a boy. He is healthy and kicks a lot. It is so relieving to have a healthy baby, and I hope that the rest of my pregnancy goes well.
Second big thing is that we have 2 foster children. At the end of April, we had them placed with us. We have a 7 year old boy and a 2 month old girl. This last week has been a difficult time with our 7 year old with him running away from home, knocking holes in his bedroom door, hitting, swearing, crying hysterically (once because I told him to go put on a belt), yelling and throwing big temper tantrums. So, it is an exciting time in our house right now.
Everything else that has happened since I last posted, I might eventually write about when I get pictures, or maybe not. You'll just have to see.