Saturday, March 1, 2008

Our Home For The Next 3-4 Months

Our house is still rented out and will be for another 3 or 4 months. So we had to rent an apartment, and we are renting in the ghetto of Pocatello. You probably didn't know Pocatello had a ghetto, but it does. Our apartment building is probably 75 or 100 years old, and right next to the train tracks. So we get to hear the trains at all hours of the day and night. Our apartment rattles when the trains go by. We rented our house with all our furniture, including our T.V. and sound system, so we are without a T.V. and a radio to listen to anything. We did get internet from a place that Jake sold an alarm, so we at least have some form of entertainment. The apartment is mostly furnished, but with very ghetto furnishings, but we didn't care because we didn't have anything to bring over. We've never really had to live in ghetto college housing, so I guess this is our chance!


Lance & Milisa said...

I LOVE IT!! I bet the furniture matches wonderfully!!

Puerto Rican Gringa said...

I'm kinda sad cuz if you think that is the ghetto I don't know what you'd say about where we live!j/k! When are you coming in the summer?

Jake and Milin said...

We're not leaving to go anywhere this summer, so we'll be in Pocatello the whole summer and we'll both be able to go to the campout. When we get our house back you'll have to come up and visit us for a few days!