Monday, January 7, 2013


So I didn't take very many pictures this Christmas, but we did have a great Christmas.
For Christmas Eve we went up to Jake's brother's house in Idaho Falls and had a wonderful dinner and nativity program.  For dinner every year they have a back to Bethlehem dinner where they eat foods that Mary and Joseph would have eaten.  So we had all kinds of cheeses, pita bread, olives, rice, salmon, fruit, lamb, hummus, and sparkling grape juice.  It was yummy and helps us remember Jesus and what happened on that night long ago.  We then acted out the Nativity and sang Christmas songs.  I love reading the Nativity story.  Then we opened one present, where Jake, Tean and Ziah all got matching pajamas.

Christmas was exciting with Tean.  He finally understands about Santa and the whole Christmas thing, so he was excited to see what Santa brought.  Tean only asked Santa for two things.  A watch that lights up and a remote control truck.  When "Santa" came, he couldn't remember where he put the watch.  We looked around for about 20 minutes and then we finally found it.  Jake had found another watch that we could give him, but we found the one we bought so we gave him both.  When he woke up in the morning  we got him before he could go in and we all went in to see what Santa brought.  He was excited about the watch.  After he saw the watch he looked around for the remote control truck.  We had hid it beside the couch so he would have to look for it.  When he didn't see it, he got mad and asked where it was.  We told him he should look around and he found it and was happy about it.  He was excited about all the things that he got.  It was a lot of fun to see how excited he was about the things that he got.
That day, we talked to my parents on their mission and then we went up to Jake's parent's house to see what everyone up there got.  Then we came home and enjoyed Christmas together.  Jake's brother and his wife came over for Christmas dinner later that day.  It was great to spend time together as a family.  

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