Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas Tree Hunting

Jake and I went hunting for a Christmas tree yesterday with our friends Brandon and Shawna and their kids. It was a perfect day to go, with lots of snow in the mountains. We got a little lost on our way there, but we decided we better just go in the direction that all the cars with Christmas trees attached to their cars were coming. After hiking around for about 30 minutes, Jake and I found the tree that was waiting for us. Jake cut the tree down and he dragged it down the mountain and we took it to a better home. I think all the trees in the forest wanted to come home with us and become a Christmas tree, but this tree was the lucky tree. Today after church we spent the afternoon listening to Christmas music and decorating the tree. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

1 comment:

Lance & Milisa said...

This looks awesome!! Jake actually makes the tree look small, I think that's funny! Love you guys!!