Saturday, December 5, 2009


I took part of the tree that we cut off our Christmas tree and made a wreath. To make it I cut some branches off, wired them together, wrapped the ribbon around, made a bow and hot glued to bow on. Then I hot glued the pine cones and some holly berries on. I thought it turned out pretty good!

Our banister's balisters are not up to code. When the banister was put in, there was no code. Tean's head could fall through. We were really worried that he would fall through the hole, so we decided that we needed to fix them. Well, today, Jake's dad came over and helped him put in more balisters. They look great! They did a great job. Now we don't have to worry about Tean falling through the holes!Before After


Joseph & Julie said...

Good job Jake and Dad!

Joseph & Julie said...

And I forgot to mention that I love the wreath. (: I want to make one like it. I'm jealous of your $5 christmas tree it would cost us closer to $40 to get one out here. ):