Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Moon Family Reunion

We went up to Bear Lake this past weekend for the annual Moon family campout. We had a great time! On Thursday, we went to the pool they have up there. I put Tean in there, but it was too cold for him. He hated it, but had a great time just playing around the pool. That night we went to a park close by and had family home evening. There were balloons there and Tean loved playing with them. We also did sparklers and Tean thought they were pretty neat, but didn't want to hold one.
On Friday, we went to the beach. It was SO windy! Jake rode the jet skis and said it was the most fun he has ever had on jet skis because the waves were so big. Tean didn't want to go in the water, but had a great time walking around the beach and looking at the seagulls and quacking at them. While there, Tean was standing on his little camp chair, and I was getting ready to get him off, when he tipped over and bonked his head. He got a huge goose egg on his head. I was surprised how fast it showed up. Here are all the grandkids that were up there minus Sheldon's kids (they had left already).
On Saturday, we went to Bloomington Lake and hiked up to the lake. Jake jumped into the lake. There was still snow around the lake. A few people swung on the rope and came back without jumping off. Rett did that once and on his second time out, his feet hit the water and then he fell in! It was crazy. We had a fun time, but didn't stay long because it was pretty cold outside.

1 comment:

Joseph & Julie said...

Too much fun! I hope Jake doesn't get pneumonia. And I'm really glad that Tean goes for quacking at seagulls instead of chasing geese, which Jake can tell you, can get you into trouble.