Saturday, December 4, 2010


This year for Thanksgiving, we went down to Utah and spent it with my family. We had lots of fun playing games, visiting and eating great food. While we were getting the food ready, Tean found this shelf, perfect for him to sit in and play with his cars. Jake and Rett getting the food ready to eat. All the food and everyone enjoying the food! Marta and Lhin's first Thanksgiving in the U.S. Tean loved the baby. When my sister was holding her, Tean kept following her around so he could see the baby. After Thanksgiving with my family, we went down to Provo to see Jake's family. On the way down Tean fell asleep and when he woke up he had this awesome hairdo.

1 comment:

becky rigby said...

Tean looks so cute, hiding away in the shelf. =)