Friday, January 27, 2012

Race Car Cake

A few weeks ago, we asked Tean what cake he wanted for his birthday. He said, "I don't know." So Jake asked him if he wanted a race car cake, and he was excited and said that he did, so ever since then that is what he wanted every time we asked him. So, I had to make a race car cake. While visiting my mom, she showed me a really neat cupcake pan to use for the cars. I was nervous and not looking forward to decorating the car cupcakes for a couple of weeks, and finally his birthday came, so I had to figure it out. All the cupcakes didn't come out of the pan, but I was able to salvage 6 of them and it was perfect for the cake. I spent about 4 hours decorating the cake and it turned out awesome! I love it! I dyed pasta wheels for the wheels black, used red hots for the brake lights, chocolate candy coated sunflower seeds for the head lights, juicy fruit gum for the windows, licorice for the windshield wipers, gum for the license plates, teddy grahams for the drivers, and ruedas for spare tires. I also found candy rocks to decorate around the track. And since it took me forever to decorate, the cake deserves its own post.

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