Friday, April 19, 2013

Tean's Prayers

I love to hear Tean pray now that he is thinking of his own things to pray about.  Here are parts of his prayers over the last few months.

"Please bless Heavenly Father.  Thank you that Santa could bring me my table and chairs for my room. Please bless Halloween so it can get here faster.  Please bless Christmas so it can get here faster.  Please bless trick-or-treating so it can get here faster.  Please bless Sunday so it can get here faster. (this was just yesterday so he still has a ways to wait for all of it except Sunday)."

"Please help me to not pick my nose so it won't bleed."

"Please help me and my daddy remember to go outside and find a stick to make a bow and arrow." (after a couple of nights of this, we got the hint and helped him make a bow and arrow.)

"Please bless that me and daddy can go fishing with Cole and his daddy."

"Please bless the monster's in Brody's (his friend) room that he can kill them."

"Please bless that Brody won't move." (His friend is going to be moving soon)

"Thank you that me and daddy could make a shield."

"Please bless Roxy (our dog) that she won't throw up in my room."

I wish I could remember more, but he is so sweet and sincere in what he prays for, I love it.

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