Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Adventures in Mexico

We are in Mexico now and we had some adventures in trying to get in the country. When we got to Laredo, we tried to get over the border, but they wouldn't let us in because it was Jake's brother's car and we didn't have the current registration for our car. Jake's brother had taken it out of the car for some reason. At first they said we had to have the real registration, no fax, but then we got a lady to say we could have his brother fax a copy and that would work. So we did that and then they told us they can only accept a faxed copy from a Mexican. So we spent $20 to recieve the fax for nothing. We had to spend the night in Laredo and then the next morning we had a brilliant idea come to us. We changed our old registration a little then made color copy of it and we were able to get across the border with that. We drove through Monterrey, MX and saw the temple there. We wanted to go, but it was on a Monday. Here's a video of us driving in Monterrey.They drive crazy there! We went to El Tajin yesterday, some cool ruins. If I get a chance, I will post them, but I might have to wait until we get home. We are having a great time!

1 comment:

Lance & Milisa said...

You two are CRAZY!! could you not pass as a mexican with your spanish talk & brown eyes??? Don't get into too much trouble!