Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mexican Adventures 2

Well, we are still alive and well in Mexico. We spent some time in Tlapacoyan with some people that Jake taught and baptized. There was a guy that Jake baptized, who was really drunk when Jake first met him, who went on a mission and is now in the branch presidency. Jake didn't even know that he went on a mission. It was cool to see the change that came into his life because of the gospel. After Tlapacoyan, we went to Xalapa and visited some more people there. We stayed the night in Xalapa and the next day we visited two waterfalls in Xito. They were really pretty. I'll post some pictures tomorrow of the waterfall. We got to Santiago Tuxtla late on Thursday night. We are staying with a family that Jake baptized. That night that we got there, we went to a Fandango, which is a dance where they do traditional dances.It was really cool. Watching that, I felt like we were really in Mexico. These past few days we have been visiting people here in Santiago. Today we went to see a really pretty waterfall, Salto de Eyipantla. It is a huge waterfall. I guess it has been in some movies, too. We're having a great time here. Sometimes I can't believe that we are really in Mexico!

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