Saturday, August 23, 2008

Proposition 8

Every week in church for the past couple months, the letter that the First Presidency wrote about marriage has been read. Recently they have asked for volunteers to help the Yes For Proposition 8 Campaign, so since I don't have a lot to do, and it is a great cause, I decided to volunteer. Proposition 8 is an amendment to the state consititution that will say that California will only recognize marriage as between a man and a woman. A different proposition with the same wording was voted by 61% in 2000 by the people of California, but recently 4 San Francisco judges wrongfully overturned the vote saying it was unconstitutional. Now the people have to vote for an amendment to the state constitution to make gay marriage not legal. These past 2 Saturdays I've gone out in the morning on knocked on doors to see where people stand on this issue. A LOT of people weren't home. I'm amazed though, that people with young children think that it is okay to legalize gay marriage. There are many people out there that don't realize the impact this will have on their lives. Many of the people that are against the proposition think that what homosexuals do is their business and it won't affect them, but it will affect everyone and young as kindergarten. If this proposition is not passed it will be taught in the schools that marriage is a binding agreement between any two people, and that will be taught to children as young as kindergarten. As our children get older, they will be taught in sex education classes that homosexuality is acceptable. These issues are better left to be talked about in the home. Many people against it say that why should our conservative right winged ideas be taught in the school, but why should their liberal left winged ideas be taught? If this proposition is to be rejected in California, it is only a matter of time that gay marriage will be legalized in all states, so this affects everyone, not just people living in California. The church put out a great article talking about our stance on gay marriage and the affects it will have on us and on the country. The Divine Institution of Marriage Article. I wish I could vote in this election in California to be one more vote (two more with Jake's vote) for proposition 8.

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