Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tean's 2nd Birthday

Tean turned 2 on Wednesday! Unfortunately, he was sick so we celebrated it on Friday. He was still a little sick, but had a great time. Some family came over for cake and ice cream. We opened presents. This year, Tean knew what he was doing and was able to open his presents by himself. I made a train cake for him because he LOVES trains. Tean could even tell it was a train! Tean was a little scared to blow out the candle, even though when ever he sees something hot he insists that he has to blow on it. Well, he was NOT going to blow on his candle. Tean loved eating the cake. He had a great time playing with his new toys, too.

We love having Tean in our family! He makes us laugh all the time. He is talking more and more and will repeat almost anything we say. He loves trains, cars, and balls. We are so glad that he came to our family 2 years ago!


Julie Anne said...

Happy Birthday Tean! He's getting so grown up!

Puerto Rican Gringa said...

Happy Birthday! I can't believe he's 2! We wish we could see you more.