Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My 26th Birthday

Jake is the best husband. He woke my up at 5:40 this morning to wish me happy birthday (okay, I woke him up to go to basketball, but he remembered to wish me a happy birthday and let me go back to bed.) My sister called be bright and early to sing to me too. I had to work all day (I really think our birthdays should be a paid holiday), but a lady at my work made me a really good cake, so I was able to survive working on my birthday. When I got home, my wonderful husband took me out to eat and then he sat through the cheesiest chick flick I've ever seen, Enchanted. I knew the only way he'd see that movie is if it was my birthday or I tricked him into seeing it. We came home and had cake and I blew out candles, blowing powdered sugar everywhere.

1 comment:

Lance & Milisa said...

Sounds like my baby sister is really growing up!! I'm so glad you had a great birthday!!