Saturday, February 2, 2008

Thankful Thoughts

Being in Mexico I've become very grateful for many things.
1. A Dryer
2. A Toilet you can actually put T.P. in
3. Toilet seats
4. Hot water all the time
5. Dishwashers
6. Clean water from the tap
7. Soft beds
8. Laws about not dumping trash in the rivers
9. Roads without potholes
10. Very few speed bumps
11. Nice highways we can use without paying
12. Carpet
13. Mirrors in the bathroom
14. Milk
15. Not having military people everywhere with huge guns
16. Living in America

1 comment:

Lance & Milisa said...

I think we take a lot of our freedoms and luxuries for granted. We are very fortunate to live in the U.S.