Sunday, March 15, 2009

Home At Last

So we had a little scare with Tean. For about a week he had a stuffy nose, but was acting just fine. On Thursday, Tean was really fussy. That night he had a temperature of 101 F. I gave him some tylenol, and it went down, but he was still fussy. Friday morning he had a lot of wax in his ears, so we decided to take him to the doctor. The doctor wanted to do some tests on him, and they didn't have the supplies at the clinic, so I was told to go to the emergency room to get some tests run. At the emergency room, after waiting forever, the doctor said that his ears were fine, but there was something in his urine so they thought he had a kidney infection. They wanted to admit him to the hospital and give him a shot of antibotics and observe him. The doctor he saw in the hospital said that he had a perferated eardrum. The antibiotics treated his ear infection. They didn't think he had a kidney infection. In his urine there was some white blood cells, but no bacteria grew so they didn't know why he had white blood cells in his urine. After getting another shot of antibiotics, we got to go home last night. Tean is doing a lot better. He acts a lot more himself and was smiling a lot today. We need to take him in tomorrow for a follow up, so hopefully everything will be great then. Now Jake needs to get over his sinus infection and I need to get over my cold!

1 comment:

Julie Anne said...

That sucks! Hope everything turns out okay for you guys!