Monday, February 4, 2013

Happenings this week

Not a whole lot has been happening this week since I last posted, but since I'm trying to do at least one post a week, I'll update the few people who read it on what has been going on.

Tean has been sick for the last few days.  Tean, the baby and I didn't even go to church yesterday because he has had a fever.  He will lay around for a while, I'll give him some medicine and then about an hour later he is great.  Then after a few hours he'll be laying around.  I really hope that he will be feeling better soon.
Luckily Ziah hasn't gotten sick yet.  Hopefully he won't.  He is being his usual happy self.  He usually only takes half hour naps, which isn't cool at all.  He is a little more clingy on those days, and so much happier on the days that he actually takes a longer nap.  I just got some essential oils.  My friend used them on her baby when he wouldn't nap and they worked really well, so we will see how they work.  Ziah loves it when Tean plays with him.  I'm so grateful for my two little boys!  I am a lucky mom!

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