Monday, February 11, 2013

Ziah's Talking!

Tean was sick at the beginning of the week.  He was so sad that he was sick for so long.  On Thursday when he finally felt better, he was running around the house like crazy, so happy that he was better.  Ziah still hasn't gotten sick from him (hope it stays that way).  Ziah has also been sleeping a lot better since getting the lavender oil and the serenity blend oil. His naps aren't perfect like I want them to be, but overall he is taking longer naps and he is a lot happier.

This week, Tean was playing with Ziah on the floor.  Ziah was talking with him, and I heard Tean yell, "Mom!  Mosiah just said stegosaurus!"  I must have a pretty smart 4 month old.  Tean is always saying that Ziah is saying this word or that word.

Tean and Ziah watching Dinosaur Train.  That could be where Ziah picked up the word stegosaurus. 

Tean is such a great big brother.  He loves playing with Ziah and is a great help to me.  Ziah loves it when Tean plays with him (most of the time).  Tean with squish Ziah's face, have Ziah hit himself in the face, pull on his arm, and Ziah usually just smiles and deals with it.

On Saturday night we had a bunch of friends and neighbors over for a pie night.  Jake and I made a breakfast quiche, a shrimp quiche and a cheesecake.  Jake loved the quiches (I'm not a big fan of them) and the cheesecake was pretty good, considering I tried a new "healthier" version.  I mixed greek yogurt with the sugar free cheesecake pudding powder then I put a thin layer of raspberry jam on top with a few raspberries.  It was fun getting together with friends and having good food.

Since the beginning of the year I have been working on loosing the weight I have gained since being pregnant with Ziah.  I had about 10 pounds that I wanted to loose and my pooch on my belly.  Jake said that I could go on a shopping spree after having the baby to get some new clothes, but I didn't want to go until I lost some weight, so that was my motivation.  So far I have lost about 12 pounds!  I'm really excited about it.  I'll drink a green smoothie in the morning, for lunch I have one egg plus two egg whites, a fruit and a piece of bread, and then I'll have dinner and have a big salad with dinner.  I have cut out sweets except for Tean's birthday and this pie night that we had.  That has been kind of hard for me, but I just think that I only have to do it until my birthday.  Everyday except Sunday I try to do 40 minutes on my elliptical, but I don't always get that long in.  At night I'll do stomach exercises or arm or leg exercises.  I still have a little pooch that I want to get rid of, so I would like to loose a few more pounds and hopefully that will help me get rid of it.  My goal is by my birthday, so I have a few more weeks to get rid of it.  I'm excited about my results and look forward to eating a yummy cake on my birthday!

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