Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Museum of Clean

On the 16th we went to the Museum of Clean with Jake's sister and kids, mom, and sister-in-laws and kids.  Tean had a great time with his cousins.  I wasn't very excited about going to the Museum of Clean, but it was actually pretty cool.  Tean and Noah had fun running around in Noah's ark and seeing the animals that were made out of different kinds of cleaning tools.
 There was a big huge ball that had different things to do in it, like squiggie a window, sweep up some marbles, see old typewriters,
 play with blocks,

 play with firemen and policemen in a house,
 play in "pipes" and tents,
 and make a bed.  The kids loved playing in this area of the museum.
 After playing in their for a while, the owner of the museum, Don Aslet, took us around on a tour of the museum.  We saw a cool dinosaur made out of different parts of a vacuum.
 There was a cool weigh station.  I loved the sign that was above it.
 There was an area that talked about chimney sweepers and the kids got to dress up like a chimney sweeper.
 They even got a dot of coal on the tip of their nose.  Some of the kids still had it on their noses after lunch.
We had a great time at The Museum of Clean.  There were lots of fun things for the kids to see and play with.  We could have easily spent a lot more time there.  After everyone came over to my house and we had lunch and the kids got to play together.  Tean had a great time playing with cousins and exploring the Museum of Clean.

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