Friday, April 25, 2008

Garden Update

So I know it may be a little pathetic to post pictures of our garden, but we don't have any kids yet to plaster their pictures all over our blog, so the plants will have to do for the time being. They are getting pretty big, probably almost ready to plant outside, but with the weather we are having, outside may never be ready for the plants. It's been pretty cold here, with warm days far and few between. And I thought there was global warming going on! Al Gore, come to Idaho and then see if you believe in global warming. I don't see where he's coming from. Anyway, I'm kind of sad we are moving because I don't know what to do with my plants! I was excited to grow a garden this year. We'll probably just have to plant them and have our tenant watch over them until he leaves and then pay someone to watch over them for the rest of the time. When we get to California, we may buy a big bucket and dirt and plant a few plants so we can have a little something fresh while we are out there.


Lance & Milisa said...

Hey...your plants are looking good!! We would be willing to plant them at our house if you wanted to bring them down one weekend...they look great!

tami said...

I'd offer our garden, but I'm afraid that it wouldn't actually be doing you a favor as I would most certainly kill all of them!