Sunday, April 20, 2008

Moving Soon

So near the end of last week, we decided that we are going to go out for the summer again to sell security systems. Jake got a really good offer from Pinnacle and they are going to let him continue running his own business in the off season. Jake will just let his residuals on the accounts that he owns build up over the summer, and then when we get home, he'll continue his business. We've felt like it'll be the best thing for us financially, so we'll be heading to Dublin, California that is by Oakland and San Jose. We'll be leaving in about 2 weeks and be there until the end of August. I have mixed feelings. I was looking forward to going camping a lot this summer, white water rafting, having both of us go to my family campout, playing on my works softball team, and just enjoying the summer. I'll enjoy being close to my mission, so hopefully we'll be able to go visit, and it will be nice to not have to work. I'll have time to do what I want to do, possibly get my teaching certificate. We'll miss being close to the family, but we have to do what is best for us financially.


Lance & Milisa said... guys are ALWAYS on the go!! I hope you have fun while you are there...will you be able to come home for the July trip? Good luck!!

In Touch said...

Thats a cool area though. The Oakland Temple is gorgeous and hanging out in San Francisco is always fun!