Tuesday, January 1, 2013


My goal is to do a lot better with updating my blog.  Since my parents left on their mission, this is a good way for them to see what is going on in my family, and to let others in my family what is going on, so I really need to be better.  And I have some pretty cute kids, so why not show them off!

Our cute little Mosiah came to our family on October 12.  On the 11th, I had a doctor's appointment.  Jake had been gone out of town for the week, but had come home that day.  So, I asked if the midwife could strip my membranes to try to see if it would start labor, because I was ready for the baby to come.  She checked me and she said that she could do it, so she did.  A few hours later, around 4:45pm, my water broke while finishing up the freezer meals that I was making.  I wasn't having any contractions.  So we packed a hospital bag, packed Tean a bag, vacuumed the house, and cleaned up the kitchen a bit.  I started having some contractions, but very irregular and not painful at all.  So I called my midwife and she said we could wait a bit, so we decided to wait 2 hours and see what was going on then.  We took Tean up to Jake's parent's house and ate dinner.  Jake and his dad gave me a blessing then we decided to go to the hospital where I would be put on low dose pitocin to help start the labor.

We got to the hospital and they started me on pitocin.  And I had decided to go drug free.  After a while it started to get painful.  I finally got to where I could start pushing.  I was glad because I was in a ton of pain.  I pushed and pushed and pushed, but nothing.  The midwife decided the baby was turned wrong, so she called in a doctor to come and try to turn him.  The doctor tried to turn him and it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life.  The baby's heart rate started to drop, so they gave me some oxygen and it went up again.  I couldn't cooperate because of the pain to do what I was supposed to do while the doctor was trying to turn the baby, so they called in the anesthesiologist to give me a spinal tap.  They told me it would be about 20 minutes until he was there.  He got there and they told me he was there but he had to fill out some paperwork and get the medicine.  Not something to tell someone in labor and in extreme pain.  I was telling them to have him do the paperwork after he gave me the meds.  He finally came in and gave me the meds and the doctor tried to turn the baby again.  She couldn't do it and the baby's heart rate dropped again to about 60-70 beats a minute so they decided they needed to do an emergency c-section.  They rushed me in, with Jake running by my side.  I was scared for the baby, but then I remembered that the blessing Jake gave to me told me that all would be fine with the baby and me.  I kept asking for Jake in the OR, and they kept saying he was coming.  They stopped him at the door so he could get on scrubs to go in.  He finally came in, then about 10 seconds later I was asleep.  Jake said that when they took Mosiah out he wasn't breathing on his own for about 2 1/2 minutes, but then he started breathing on his own.  After that Mosiah did great.

Here is Mosiah getting his first bath.

We had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days.  During that time we had a few visitors. 

Jake's parents and two of his brothers and his little sister came, his cousin Cyd came,

my parents surprised us by driving up from Utah, and we had a few friends come and surprise us as well.
And of course, the proud big brother came to see his new baby brother.

On Sunday we were finally able to go home.  We are so grateful that we were finally blessed to have Mosiah come to our family.  We have loved having him around.

1 comment:

Darwin + Kiara said...

Congrats, Milin! He is adorable and I'm glad everything turned out well for you guys. Babies are such a blessing and a miracle, especially after losing one. I'm so happy for you!

I was glad to see an update...yes I still read your blog :)