Last week we invited a friend over to do sidewalk chalk bombs. To get them ready, Tean helped me put cornstarch, food coloring and vinegar into ziplock baggies. We then put baking soda piles in paper towels.
Tean was getting impatient while waiting for his friend to come over.When it was time to start, the boys put the baking soda packets into the bag, then closed them up and then put them on the sidewalk. I thought they would blow up pretty fast, but they took a while, a least 5 minutes, some even more. I also thought it would make a big explosion, but it was just a pop, and then if the bag was turned right, the liquid ran onto the sidewalk.
Even though it didn't quite turn out as I had thought, Tean loved it.
After they exploded we got some paint brushes and they painted the sidewalk with the chalk.
Everyone had a good time watching them blow up and paint on the sidewalk. Not sure if it was worth all the prep, but I guess it was as long as Tean had fun.