Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ball Pit!

 Austin, Jake's contact at his manufacturing place in China, sent this to Jake for Tean.
 We set it up while Tean was asleep.  It turned out to be HUGE.  We had to rearrange our downstairs to fit it there, but I like it better now.  It opens the room up so much more.  The next day was Sunday, so he hadn't been downstairs.  We sent him downstairs right before church to grab something, and he was down there for a bit.  We told him to come on that we had to leave for church.  He came to the bottom of the stairs and said, "Mom, can I play downstairs after church?"  I asked him if he saw the surprise downstairs.  He said he did.  He was super excited to play in it and after church went down there and played in it for a couple of hours.
 Tean has loved having it and playing in it with friends.  Mosiah has even been in it a bit, but usually it has been when he was tired or almost time to eat so he was a little cranky in it.

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