Sunday, June 16, 2013

Swimming Lessons

This summer we put Tean in swimming lessons again.  Last summer he was so scared of the water, but by the end of swim lessons, he was just fine.  When we were going to swimming lessons on the first day, Tean said, "I don't want to go.  I hate swimming lessons."  I was a mean mom and told him he could either go to swimming lessons or stay in timeout during them.  He chose swimming and he has loved it!
He took lessons with his friend Cole, that lives across the street.  They loved being in the same class together.

 Tean, getting in and out of the water by himself.
 Tean, swimming with his teacher.  Tean was so proud when he could swim all by himself on the noodle.
 Not a very good picture, but Tean even jumped into the pool by himself and he could blow bubbles.
 He loved being in the water!

 Tean and his friend Cole in the water.
The last day of swimming lessons.  Tean was so sad that it was over and wished that he could keep going.  I guess we will just have to go swimming a lot this summer!

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